January 8, 2010, Newsletter Issue #7: Books by Gurus - What's this all about?

Tip of the Week

LifeTips will be publishing your own 101 tips book on the topic you’ve been approved for. Books are printed on demand, authored by you and available for purchase online and in retail outlets worldwide. Your book will become part of the LifeTips 101 Book Series, will feature your name on the cover as the author and will have its own ISBN number.

Every time someone orders your book you make $2 on the $9.99 retail sale. Royalty checks are sent out quarterly.
When authors order books through their editor, they get a $3 discount per book. When you sell these books for their $9.99 retail value, you make your $3 per-book profit.
If you’re an aggressive marketer or hire a publicist, you have the opportunity to earn even more money per book. We do not currently provide such services.
The sponsor of your Tip Site may choose to buy a version of your book with their brand on the cover. Client’s purchase books at a discount of $5.00 per book and you will earn $.75 for every book purchased.

By publishing a book, you become the authority on your topic and advance your writing career. However, printed books require high quality content written to appeal to the target audience you have in mind. If you do not pass our editorial standards upon submission of your book, you will have several choices. You may hire your own editor to review your work and resubmit the content for approval. Or you may hire the LifeTips team of professional editors and proof readers that will offer a quote for editorial services to advance your book to the publishing stage. The choice will be yours. Simply ask for a free quote. And allow at least 2 weeks for review of your initial submission.

With the success of your first book at LifeTips.com, you can publish additional books on your topic, or you may apply for additional Guru niche topics and publish a book on that topic as well. All publishing services are free of charge. Editing and various editorial support will incure extra charges, but we have loads of great editing packages for you to choose from.

Many of our amazing Gurus have published books with us (some have published more than one) and have come back to use for guidance in marketing and promotion, which we are happy to assist with. We are partnered with EBSCO, which is a great company in terms of getting your book on bookshelves.

Of course, we make NO promises regarding the success of your book. That is based on you. But, we will fill your toolbelt with as many tools for success as possible, making the path to success that much easier to travel. And feel free to give us a shout out when you hit #1 on the NYTime Bestseller List!

About LifeTips

Now one of the top on-line publishers in the world, LifeTips offers tips to millions of monthly visitors. Our mission mission is to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Expert writers earn dough for what they know. And exclusive sponsors in each niche topic help us make-it-all happen.

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